General Travellers Information

Botswana is generally safe for travel. In the case you do fall ill you can always visit a health facility. Primary health services coverage is generally high across most parts of the country. However, note the following health precautions.

Novel Virus Alert
The public is notified of Novel Coronavirus outbreak Read more..
Rabbies Outbreak
Rabies has hit Ngamiland District Read more..
Availability of Health Services
The health-care system is a mixture of public and some privately clinics and hospitals with some specialised referral facilities in the major towns and villages. Read more..
Yellow Fever Vaccinations
Yellow fever vaccination is required for visitors entering Botswana within six days of having stayed in these countries. Read more..

Medical Insurance
Visitors from foreign countries are advised to arrange for travel medical insurance to provide coverage in the case of coverage of medical expenses for the treatment of serious illnesses and accidents. Read more..
Malaria, is common in northern Botswana, there are 6 Malaria endemic areas in Botswana including; Okavango Boteti, Ngami,Tutume and Bobirwa districts. Areas. Read more..

Food and Safe Drinking Water
Generally tap water is safe in Botswana. Bottled water is also readily available in most shops and supermarkets across the country. Read more..
Heat and Heatstroke
In summer temperatures in Botswana can be high. Prolonged exposure to the sun in high temperatures can result in Heat stroke. Read more..