Our Organization
Ministry of Health is mandated to the overall and oversight and delivery of health care services in the country with strong emphasis on public health.
A model of excellence in quality health services
Aims to improve the physical, mental, and social wellbeing
of every Motswana to fully contribute to the development of Botswana through a healthy nation.
Our Health Care System
Health services in Botswana are delivered
through public, private for profit, private
non-profit and traditional medicine practice.
The Ministry of Health is responsible for
coordinating and leading the the health sector
in Botswana including formulating policies,
setting standards, regulation as well as
ensuring that quality and affordable health
services are delivered to all.
Departments & Programs
The Ministry of Health (MOH) is responsible
for the provision of health services.
The public health care system is designed
to ensure that Batswana have access to good
affordable promotive, preventive, curative,
health services at all levels. Through its departments,
the ministry manages and delivers public health
services at national and district levels.
Vision Mission Values
The Ministry of Health exists to promote and provide
comprehensive preventative, curative and rehabilitative
quality health care services to the nation.
Our Identity
The Ministry of Health logo
is the cornerstone of our Identity.
Ministry of Health & Wellness Library
Ministry of Health library was established to meet the information needs of staff.